css js연결 방법

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    <script></script> 내부 스크립트


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    <h1 style="color:red;"></h1> 인라인 스타일

    <h1 onclick="window.close()"></h1> 인라인 자바스크립트


- onclick javascript event

- 현재 탭에서 열기 

section 클릭 시 html로 연결된다.

<section onclick="location.href='iphonex.html'"></section>

<div class="wrap">
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                    <a href="">icon</a>
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            <div class="heading">
                <a href="iphonex.html">Encounter with the future</a>

.html 말고 url도 가능하다. "" 안에 "" 로 쓰면 안되고 작은따옴표로 써야한다. 



- 새탭에서 열기 

<section onclick="window.open( '링크' )"></section>

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        <section class="welcome"
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                <h3>iPhone X</h3>
                <a href="iphonex.html">Encounter with the future</a>






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